numero : 1, aprile 1999 |
DOI: 10.1428/1884 |
La schiavitù dell'anarchia. Gli
scritti di Bruno de Finetti sull'equilibrio economico Chiara
Rossignoli |
pp. 35-64 €
6,00 [pdf 126K]

Abstract Bruno de
Finetti’s main writings on economic equilibrium date back to the Thirties.
Taking Pareto’s works as main reference, de Finetti developes a critique
of competitive equilibrium from a methodological-ethical point of view. He
follows Pareto and Barone’s approach in separating the optimality of
equilibrium from the competitive mechanism. From the mathematical point of
view, his contributions are very remarkable. In 1937, he gives to the
concept of Pareto optimum a formal treatment, anticipating necessary
conditions which were given only after the war by Kuhn and Tucker in the
context of non linear programming. He also introduces (in 1949) the
concept of quasi concave function. |