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Donato Michele Cifarelli and Eugenio Regazzini

De Finetti's contribution to probability and statistics

Source: Statist. Sci.  11 (1996), no. 4, 253–282


This paper summarizes the scientific activity of de Finetti in probability and statistics. It falls into three sections: Section 1 includes an essential biography of de Finetti and a survey of the basic features of the scientific milieu in which he took the first steps of his scientific career; Section 2 concerns de Finetti's work in probability: (a) foundations, (b) processes with independent increments, (c) sequences of exchangeable random variables, and (d) contributions which fall within other fields; Section 3 deals with de Finetti's contributions to statistics: (a) description of frequency distributions, (b) induction and statistics, (c) probability and induction, and (d) objectivistic schools and theory of decision. Many recent developments of de Finetti's work are mentioned here and briefly described.


Primary Subjects:
Keywords: Associative mean; Bayesian nonparametric statistics; Bayes-Laplace paradigm; completely additive probabilities; correlation and monotone dependence; exchangeable and partially exchangeable random variables; finitely additive probabilities; gambler's ruin; Glivenko-Cantelli theorem; infinitely decomposable laws; predictive inference; prevision; principle of coherence processes with independent increments; reasoning by induction; statistical decision; subjective probability; utility function;
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